Tel: 0117 457 7344
Modern Workplace for Accounting Firms
Anshin Vision is a collection of products and services built on Microsoft 365 totally focussed on the Accounting marketplace. It includes enterprise level backup and security not included in standard Microsoft 365 offerings. Beautiful PowerBi reports that are driven directly out of your Practice Management system including IRIS, CCH, and Digita. It seamlessly combines this with data from your Cloud suppliers giving you a single pane of glass view of all of your critical data. In addition we deploy a bespoke Chatbot to allow your team to get the answers to questions normally hidden in word documents or on your intranet.
Enterprise Class Backup and Security
Beautiful PowerBi reports
Bespoke Chatbots
Advice and Training
Ongoing Support
Anshin Vision is available in three flavours to suit your practice needs it is priced on a per user per month basis and includes your Microsoft 365 license. If you don't want to move your 365 license to us it is available for a monthly per user fee instead.
What is included?
01 /Essentials

Enterprise Class Backup
PowerBi Dashboards linked to your Practice management Data
Remote installation and Configuration
Awarding winning ongoing support and Training
02 /Standard

Enterprise Class Backup
PowerBi Dashboards linked to your Practice management Data
Report customisation including Cloud based sources like Xero, and Hubbspot.
Standard Sharepoint deployment to replace your existing intranet.
Configuration and deployment of One drive
Customised Teams rollout advice on channels, formats, and best practice
Bespoke Chatbot to help you team working more effectively
Access to our online training portal for your team
Remote installation and Configuration
Intune Device Management
Award winning ongoing support and Training
Two Days Professional Service Fees setup
03 / Professional

Enterprise Class Backup
Bespoke PowerBi Dashboards linked to your Practice management Data
Ongoing report customisation including Cloud based sources like Xero, and Hubbspot.
Bespoke development of additional reporting views developed for iPad and iPhone
Bespoke Standard Sharepoint deployment to replace your existing intranet.
Configuration and deployment of One drive including consultancy in how you can use it to replace your fileserver storage
Customised Teams rollout advice on channels, formats, and best practice
Bespoke Chatbot to help you team working more effectively
Access to our online training portal for your team
Remote installation and Configuration
Intune Device Management
Award winning ongoing support and Training
Pricing per user per month
Including a Microsoft 365 Licence
Without a Microsoft 365 Licence

Including a Microsoft 365 Licence
Without a Microsoft 365 Licence

Including a Microsoft 365 Licence
Without a Microsoft 365 Licence

* Some Setup fees may apply to Standard and Professional versions.